L- Pours a clear, Ruby Red with a thin, tan head. Got d lacing.
S- Malt bomb with hop bitterness. Candied citrus fruit.
T- Taste follows the nose with a huge malt backbone. The Mosaic is wonderfully citrus bitter and hangs around a long time. These two indepentent tastes work wonderfully together. Almost a slight cherry taste.
F- The malt and Mosaic hop creates a wonderful mouth feel that is bursting with flavor and warming bitter.
O- I have had almost Ll their beers, and this is their best effort. I have rated reds much higher than most people, and the addition of wonderful mosaic hop does it for me. First had Friday night with their golden keg event in which the first one is free on release day.

Brewer’s Description!
Red XIPA with mostly Madam and some Mosaic hops. Really good red IPA...piney, clean finish! Dee-lish!

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