Do you wanna know more?
Inspired by the old iron workhorses that rumbled down the Frisco Railroad, this beer is named after Frisco 1501, a steam engine that now proudly rests in Rolla, Mo. Our original 3.5-barrel R&D Brewery is located along the Frisco Railroad line and Route 66, both of which encapsulate the freedom and hard-working spirit of our country. This California Common style beer originated in San Francisco during the gold rush era.
For this copper-colored beer, we use a lager yeast and ferment it at warmer ale temperatures to yield a unique flavor and mouthfeel. It's a lightly fruity beer with firm, grainy maltiness and interesting toasty and caramel flavors. It showcases rustic traditional American hop characteristics.
Malt: Pale Ale, Caramunich, Caramel malt
Hops: Northern Brewer, Cascade
ABV: 5.0%
IBU: 44
SRM: 15

Beer League - It's What's for Dinner
We'll see you this Thursday and every Thursday for Beer League at The Waiting Room!
We send out the beer every week in an email as well - some people like that more than having to go through the website or checking our facebook. So join up!