Welcome to 2016, Beer League! We're pretty sure that you've ended up here in the future kicking and screaming just like the rest of us. What we are is glad to see that you've survived the holiday season mostly intact and looking plump and sassy from cookies, good food, and lots of good beers. What we're saying is that we want to wrap up the holiday season with you and a couple bottles of Breckenridge Brewery Christmas Ale.
Comically, a bit before the Leagues Christmas Break, it was announced that Breckenridge Brewery is joining other craft breweries in AB-INBEV's portfolio. We're not sure what this trend means, but we're still seeing solid beers being put out by these breweries and just like everyone else in the world - we WANT to believe that nothing will change in the merger. But man, it's still scary to see another giant of Colorado brewing get picked up by a macro brewer.
It is - as they say - what it is. We're hoping that this means some of the small batch, limited releases from BB (and some more barrel aged!)will get more distribution outside of the local area. A Captaineer can dream...
Breckenridge Brewing Says:
The chill of a Colorado high-country winter calls for a beer with extra flavor and strength. Here it is. At over 7% alcohol, with a sturdy texture and rich flavors of caramel and chocolate, our holiday seasonal is the fermented equivalent of a good fire.
RateBeer Reviews
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beersak – 17/20
Aroma is of coffee. Appearance is a nice brown. A full bodied taste. Crisp and very good. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone
bigtourist – 5/20
Watery with a caramel flavor that has an unwelcome lingering. Not offensive, but aftertaste is not good
We'll see you tonight for a Breckenridge Brewery Christmas Ale. Fire out back is determinate on how blisteringly cold it is outside & our dedication to getting it started. So, probably.